Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use

Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use

  Like many parents, you may be concerned about your child’s thumb sucking, finger sucking or pacifier use. You may wonder if it is harmful, at what age it should stop or what could happen if your child does not stop.   You can rest assured that sucking is one of an infant’s natural reflexes. They begin to suck on their thumbs or other fingers while they are in the womb. Infants and young children may suck on thumbs, other fingers, pacifiers or other objects. It makes them feel secure and happy, and it helps them learn about their world.   Placing a thumb or another finger in the mouth provides some children with a sense of security during difficult periods, such as when they are separated from their parents, surrounded by strangers or in an unfamiliar environment. Since thumb sucking is relaxing, it also may help induce sleep. For this reason, young children may suck their thumbs in the evening or at other times when they are tired.   Prolonged thumb sucking may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and the alignment of teeth. It also can cause changes in the roof of the mouth.   Children who rest their thumbs passively in their mouths are less likely to experience difficulty than those who vigorously suck their thumbs. When an active thumb sucker removes his or her thumb from the mouth, a popping sound often is heard. Some aggressive thumb suckers may cause problems with their primary (baby) teeth.   BREAKING THE HABIT Pacifiers can affect the teeth in essentially the same way as does...

A Great Resource for Parents

  The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) has recently put together a wonderful resource for parents who may have serious questions about their child’s teeth/dentist. We highly recommend you visit this website – as it is a great tool for parents who may be getting ready to make their first dental check-up for their child or a parent who wants to prevent cavities in their child’s teeth.   If you look under the tab “Education and Resources for your Family,” you will see great links to frequently asked questions by parents at the pediatric dentist, parent education brochures, and resources even for teens! We like this website because the information is clear, concise, and backed by many scientific studies. Happy...
Alarming Children’s Teeth Statistics

Alarming Children’s Teeth Statistics

  DID YOU KNOW that dental disease (cavities and gum disease) is the most common childhood disease – FIVE times more common than asthma?   If that’s not surprising enough, here are some more startling statistics:   47.4% of 3rd graders in Virginia have or had a (untreated or treated) cavity experience. Students miss as many as 51 million hours of school each year because of dental problems. Adults miss 164 million hours of work each year because of dental problems.   Excellent oral health is considered a very important aspect of maintaining good overall health. Dental disease (cavities and gum disease), is the most common chronic disease of Virginia’s children, despite it being entirely preventable.   Are you wondering how to prevent cavities and gum problems for your child?   Contact us at 210-888-0700 and we would be more than happy to discuss it with...
The Advantages of Digital Technology in Pediatric Dentistry

The Advantages of Digital Technology in Pediatric Dentistry

Digital advances in Pediatric Dentistry are amazing. Not only do they provide for patient comfort, they create opportunities for Pediatric Dentists to provide better treatment.   Digital X-Rays The cutting-edge technology of digital X-rays, also known as digital radiography, enables the Pediatric Dentist to take crisp X-ray images of the teeth, supporting bone and gums and download them instantaneously into the computer without delay, thus eliminating the need for environmentally-harmful film and chemical development. It also allows dentists to magnify and enhance images to review specific dental issues, and instantly transfer them to a patient’s file or dental specialist such as the child’s orthodontist.   Digital X-rays are faster and safer than traditional X-rays, reducing the exposure to radiation by up to 90%.   Digital Photography The intra-oral camera allows a patient to see what the dentist sees: their mouth from the inside. These photographs can also be enlarged and enhanced to show detail, creating better means of communication and documentation. Since they are not X-rays, there is no radiation involved. The camera is additionally used for “before” and “after” photos, presentations, enhanced diagnosis, insurance claims, and education or monitoring with parents and patients concerning overall dental health.   Digital Panoramic X-Rays Panoramic digital X-rays show the health status of all the teeth in one film. Used primarily to show the upper and lower jaw, the TMJ and the sinus areas, to record existing condition and detect abnormalities of the developing teeth, salivary glands, cysts, displaced teeth follicles, etc.   They are especially helpful for children who have orthodontic problems, or those who have medical or behavioral special needs...

What to do with Trauma?

Active children always seem to be injuring themselves in one way or another. Most of the time, the injury is minor, like a bruise or a scrape. However, sometimes the child needs to see a doctor or a dentist, such as in the case of a broken or loose tooth.   Pediatric dentists are especially trained in the management and case of tooth trauma on young teeth. Here is a brief guideline offered by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry of the types of trauma children’s teeth can incur, and how you as a parent can help minimize the damage and long term effects.   Knocked Out Tooth If a child’s tooth becomes knocked out, the sooner you contact your Pediatric dentist, the better. Quick action can lessen a child’s discomfort, prevent infection, and perhaps save the tooth. Call us even if the injury occurs after regular dental office hours. For baby teeth, rinse the child’s mouth out with water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. Do not spend time looking for the tooth, as baby teeth cannot be replanted.   For permanent teeth, find the tooth and gentlyrinse it in cold water. DO NOT scrub the tooth or use soap or let it dry out outside the mouth. Handling it only by the crown (don’t touch the root surface), replace the tooth in the socket and have the child hold it there in place with a clean washcloth or gauze as you travel to the dentist. DO NOT place the tooth in water; if you need to carry the tooth, put it into a container with...
When should your child start using Mouthwash?

When should your child start using Mouthwash?

Managing your children’s oral health involves a daily reigeme of eating healthy, brushing and flossing to help stop bacteria from building up in the mouth and to stop cavities from forming, which is the ultimate goal. At World Pediatric Dental we strive to do everything we can as your children’s dentist to prevent tooth decay from forming in your child’s mouth. We get asked by parents the right toothbrush, toothpaste and floss to use for their children, but  not many ask about mouthwash. (If you have not asked us which toothbrush/toothpaste/floss  are best for your child ask us the next time you are in our office! Those three things are still the most important tools to maintaining proper oral hygiene for your kids.)   Along with brushing and flossing, mouthwash can help keep the mouth healthy, fresh and free of bacteria, but is mouthwash safe for your kids?   If your child is under 6 years of age the American Dental Association recommends that your child wait to use mouthwash. The reason for this is children under 6 might have a problem remembering to only gargle the mouthwash and not swallow it. A good way to see if your child is ready to use  mouthwash is have them put water in their mouth, swish it around and then spit. If they are able to do this then they may be ready to use mouthwash.   When your child is ready to use mouthwash make sure to get a kid friendly product, one designed specifically for children. The reason for this is because adult mouthwash contains alcohol and is more harmful...
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