Digital advances in Pediatric Dentistry are amazing. Not only do they provide for patient comfort, they create opportunities for Pediatric Dentists to provide better treatment. Digital X-Rays The cutting-edge technology of digital X-rays, also known as digital radiography, enables the Pediatric Dentist to take crisp X-ray images of the teeth, supporting bone and gums and download them instantaneously into the computer without delay, thus eliminating the need for environmentally-harmful film and chemical development. It also allows dentists to magnify and enhance images to review specific dental issues, and instantly transfer them to a patient’s file or dental specialist such as the child’s orthodontist. Digital X-rays are faster and safer than traditional X-rays, reducing the exposure to radiation by up to 90%. Digital Photography The intra-oral camera allows a patient to see what the dentist sees: their mouth from the inside. These photographs can also be enlarged and enhanced to show detail, creating better means of communication and documentation. Since they are not X-rays, there is no radiation involved. The camera is additionally used for “before” and “after” photos, presentations, enhanced diagnosis, insurance claims, and education or monitoring with parents and patients concerning overall dental health. Digital Panoramic X-Rays Panoramic digital X-rays show the health status of all the teeth in one film. Used primarily to show the upper and lower jaw, the TMJ and the sinus areas, to record existing condition and detect abnormalities of the developing teeth, salivary glands, cysts, displaced teeth follicles, etc. They are especially helpful for children who have orthodontic problems, or those who have medical or behavioral special needs...
Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Early childhood caries (cavities) is also referred to as “baby bottle tooth decay”. It’s a serious condition that is a result of lengthy exposure of your infant’s teeth to liquid that contain sugar. These liquids can include milk, breast milk, formula, juice and any other sweetened drinks. Putting your infant to sleep whether for a nap or bedtime, with a bottle containing anything other than water can result in severe and rapid tooth decay. The sugar pools around the teeth gives the plaque a chance to produce acid that attacks their tooth enamel. It can be difficult to put a baby to bed without a bottle to comfort him or her, therefore we recommend only using water. If you need to, dilute their normal drink of choice with water over several weeks until it only contains water. Additionally, after each nighttime feeding, wipe your child’s gums and teeth with a damp washcloth to remove the...
Worn toothbrushes do not do a good job of cleaning your teeth. Your pediatric dentist recommends changing your toothbrush every 2-3 months for children because they wear their brushes out...
Brushing alone means half your tooth is untouched and remains unclean. Flossing and brushing together is the only way to make sure your teeth are clean. Come by today and see our pediatric dentist for more information. ...
Dental decay can set in within 24 hours. That means it is worth it to get up and brush your teeth. And don’t forget to floss twice a day! If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment call our pediatric dentist office today and we will happily accommodate you and your children. ...
Did you know Cereal can have as much as 15 grams of sugar per serving? Chocolate candy bars can have as much as 30 grams per serving. A 12-ounce glass of Cranberry Juice Cocktail can have 48 grams per serving. The average American consumes 147 pounds of sugar per year. That means most people consume a half-pound of sugar per day. Sugar can be every bad for a children’s teeth. For more information please give our pediatric dentist office a call at 210-888-0700 and we’ll do anything we can to...
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